French Manicures, Heels, and Agriculture.

IMG_6619As a woman in the agriculture industry its funny to hear some of the reason why we, as women, “can’t” do something. I think it is safe to say that women are no longer considered the minority in this industry because we are closing the gender gap. But agriculture is still considered a man’s industry so along with being a woman in a man’s industry there comes a few struggles and doubts. So laugh along with me as I share some of the things I have heard as a woman working in the agriculture industry.

  1.  “You can’t feed cows in THAT outfit.” You would be surprised at some of the outfits I have successfully fed my livestock in. It has been done in heels and official dress all the way to flip flops and bikini tops. When the livestock needs tending to, it can’t always wait but you can always easily wash your clothes. There is nothing a little soap and water can’t fix so why be scared of getting dirty.
  2. “Are those fake nails going to get in the way out there?” Ironically I had someone ask me this yesterday. No, as a matter of fact, my french manicure has nothing to do with my work ethic. If my nail breaks, sure its going to hurt but its not the end of the world and fill-ins are not that expensive but thank you for noticing that I got my nails done.
  3. “Does she really think she can pick that up?” I may be a small girl but I promise I am stronger than I look. Showing livestock all through high school I was always in charge of buying feed and those 50 lbs feed bags didn’t load and unload themselves, I promise. Granted, I may not be able to do somethings guys can because of my size (yeah, being under 5 ft isn’t always a perk), it has nothing to do with the fact that I am a female. So, please, do not under estimate me.
  4. “Why are you wasting your money on a degree if you’re JUST going to farm.” One of my favorite quotes is “The FFA is more than just cows, plows and sows.” This is also true in the agriculture industry. (Yes, I am aware you are thinking “what the heck did she just say”) The agriculture industry doesn’t just involve farming anymore. Of course one day I want to own and operate my own small farm but my future job in the agriculture industry fits somewhere between politics and sales. (Again, I’m sure you are like “wait, so she doesn’t want to get dirty?”) I want to protect farmers and educate consumers but that doesn’t mean I don’t have passion for agriculture and farming. Besides, farmers can have degrees too.
  5. “You do know, working here means you’ll be wearing poop all the time, right?” Yes, I am aware that cows poop. I am also aware that it stinks. Your point? I am not afraid to get dirty. Just because I took the time to put on mascara this morning does not mean I can’t handle the cow feces on my jeans. (FYI pig poop is the worst so I don’t even want to hear it)

Of course, I am not complaining about the struggles of being in this industry because honestly I don’t see myself fitting in anywhere else and there are many other women who seem to agree. Women need agriculture and agriculture needs women.  And as a plus, women do make agriculture look good.

Agriculture Awareness: It’s OUR Responsibility


As an agriculturist, everyday I am frustrated by the lack of knowledge the common person has on agriculture. Often as agriculturists we hear that we do a terrible job at advocating for agriculture. Wait, What? So is it really ALL the agriculturist fault that the lack of knowledge of agriculture is growing? Of course from time to time farmers get a little distracted by the calves who need to be bottle fed or the Vidalia Onion season deadline. But farmers are often opening their farms for tours, writing blogs, going into classrooms for agriculture education programs and even serving as lobbyists for agricultural issues.  Consumers are often blindsided by big organizations like PETA, The Humane Society of the United States, and other animal rights groups that they pay little attention to the word of the farmer. But as agriculturists we can’t let this stop us. Today is agriculture awareness day and as I look around my small campus I see so many different people sharing their passion and knowledge for agriculture. Don’t let days like today be the only time you share your passion for this industry. We must continue to spread our message until our voice is heard because We are agriculture and we feed the world. 


Why Agriculture and Relationships Go Hand-in-hand 

Relationships are scary. I’ve watched and experienced many relationships, I thought were strong, fail. I’ve thought through many different ways to make sure that never happens to me and everytime I catch myself getting the same two answers everytime; God and agriculture. 

For many who aren’t involved in agriculture you are probably thinking you are crazy but for me it’s simple. In order to have a strong relationship you must have a strong relationship with Christ to build a strong foundation with your significant other. That one is pretty self explanatory. Agriculture is a strong passion of mine and some of my strongest and best friendships in my life are currently built on agriculture so why not let that flow over to my relationships. Agriculture can bring a lot to the table in relationships.

  1. Talking agriculture.  Sure we may not always agree on GMO’s or the way to judge a stock show class but that is okay. That is okay because I don’t know everything about agriculture and I’m opened minded to learn more everyday. I will just appreciate the fact that you can intellectually hold a conversation about agriculture, heck most guys today couldn’t even define GMO! 
  2. Livestock adventures. Some of my greatest memories with my family are on the farm or driving millions of miles singing Dixie Chicks pulling livestock trailers. I want to be able to continue that with someone who appreciates livestock and agriculture by my side.
  3. Many memories to come. Like I said, some of my greatest memories come from agriculture. If you share a passion for agriculture you probably have had the same experiences. Those are experiences you never want to end so our relationship will be full of growing our relationship and our passion for agriculture. 

As I finish my second year of college I know I am no where near ready to settle down. I have a lot more exploring this crazy world to do. But as I watch my friends get married and have kids all over Facebook, I wonder what it’s going to be like when I reach that point in my life. As long as I keep God and Agriculture in my relationship I know that one day I’ll marry my best friend.